Planning and design work for hillside parking structure on the Oregon Health and Sciences University campus in Portland, OR.

Work required knowledge of client goals, building code, local planning regulations, accessibility, pedestrian and vehicular circulation, parking layout standards and a basic understanding of the site's geology and environment.

Planning options proposed three parking structure locations for further high-level evaluations over advantages and disadvantages.

OPTION 1 - Entry Parking

Option 1 - This option was not centrally located, but it was closest to the main public campus entrance road.

OPTION 2 - Central Parking

Option 2 - This option was closest to the main building complex, but it also tended to block hilltop views from other buildings.

OPTION 3 - Ravine Parking

Option 3 - This option joined north and south campus areas that were otherwise divided by a ravine. It also contemplated an opportunity to build a long-desired pedestrian skybridge.


Work on the Preliminary Design phase further explored opportunities identified by Option 1. The proposal enhanced the main public campus entry area with signage, landmarks, a landscaped courtyard, covered pedestrian walkways, roadway circulation improvements, tree-lined sidewalks, and additional public reception facilities.


Architect and Landscape Architect on planning and preliminary design phases. Met with client. Analyzed site, standards, and regulations. Developed, drew, and presented opions.

Role: Architect

Setting: ZGF Architects

Location: Portland, Oregon

Year: 1990